口径:4cm底径:15cm 高:48cm
瓶身环绘绿树青山,笔法精练,写像传神,巧于置陈布势,宛如画轴延绵,卷不尽而意无穷,实乃乾隆时期的珍品。著名景德镇御窑督陶官唐英(1682-1756),擅画山水,监烧之瓷常饰翠叠倚亭榭、水镜映楼阁。乾隆初年唐英款画山水图瓷,或唐英亲绘,或艺匠依稿代笔。实例可见一件唐英款画山水瓷器,录于林业强著(1998-9年《Transactions of the Oriental Ceramic Society》第63号、页65-82、图8及9),其时匠人巧心妙配,精制各式彩瓷,瓶式多变,纹样繁众,因此珍品鲜有相同。
The ring of the bottle body is painted with green trees and green mountains, and the brushwork is concise and expressive. It is clever to set the Chen cloth potential. It is like a scroll of scrolls and endless scrolls. Tang Ying (1682-1756), the famous pottery governor of the royal kiln in Jingdezhen, is good at painting landscapes. The porcelain for supervising firing is often decorated with pavilions and mirrors. In the early years of Qianlong, Tang Ying's paintings of landscape painting porcelain, or Tang Ying's own paintings, or artisans' sketches. An example can be seen in a Tang Ying painting of landscape porcelain, recorded in the strong forestry (Transactions of the Oriental Ceramic Society 1998-9, pages 65-82, Figures 8 and 9). Matching, refining all kinds of colorful porcelain, the bottle style is varied, the patterns are numerous, so the treasures are rarely the same.