口径:12.4cm 高:7.5cm 底径4.5cm
此碗敞口,深弧壁,圈足。外壁口沿處暗刻描金海马紋,暗刻一周米粒紋,若隱若現。通體施甜白釉,釉質致密細膩,釉色恬靜溫潤,純若凝脂,素猶積雪,甚適于心。整體器型秀美,釉色潔素瑩然,,紋飾流暢舒展, 布局清疏自然,工藝
This bowl is open, with deep arc walls and a full circle. Golden seahorse lines are engraved on the outer rim of the wall, and grains of rice grains are engraved for a week. The whole body is sweet white glaze. The enamel is dense and delicate. The glaze color is quiet and moist. The overall shape is beautiful, the glaze is clean, the decoration is smooth and smooth, the layout is clear and natural, and the craftsmanship
Delicate and delicate, fully embodies the pure beauty of sweet white glaze, and is very pleasant to appreciate. As a treasure of the Huahua period, it is precious.