胎白坚致、釉薄匀透明、釉质纯净,釉面光润。瓶口包金工艺,器型端庄。北宋定窑刻款多与宫廷有关,为烧成入宫后在器上镌刻,而定窑 “官”字款,以表明为官府订制之器,故此件器物弥足珍贵。
The fetal white is firm, the glaze is thin and transparent, the enamel is pure, and the glaze is smooth. The bottle mouth is covered with gold craftsmanship. In the Northern Song Dynasty, most of the Ding kiln carvings were related to the palace. For the purpose of engraving on the device after firing and entering the palace, the Ding kiln “Guan” type was used to indicate that it was ordered by the government. Therefore, this piece of artifact is precious.