此件拍品为龙泉窑 蒜头瓶,长颈,削肩,圆腹,圈足,瓶口似蒜头,通体施青釉,足底露胎。釉色青翠如玉,柔和淡雅,釉面莹润,俗称梅子青。整体端庄典 雅、挺拔奔放、釉色清亮、胎釉结实,稳重大方、造型奇特、亭亭玉立。花纹与釉色融为一体,刻花工艺炉火纯青。是件集造型、釉色和装 饰之美于一身的龙泉窑青釉器,体现了古典美学的最高艺术境界,为宋代龙泉窑的精品代表之作。
This lot is a garlic bottle with long neck, long neck, shaved shoulders, round belly, round feet, bottle-like garlic head, blue glaze on the whole body, and bare feet. The glazed green is like jade, soft and elegant, and the glazed surface is commonly known as plum plum. The overall dignity is elegant, upright and unrestrained, the glaze is bright, the glaze is strong, stable and generous, the shape is peculiar, and the slender. The pattern and glaze are integrated into one, and the carving process is pure green. It is a glazed ware of Longquan kiln that combines the beauty of modeling, glaze and decoration. It embodies the highest artistic realm of classical aesthetics, and is a masterpiece of Longquan kiln in Song Dynasty.