北宋 定窰白釉刻螭龍蓮花蓮瓣盤
发布时间: 2019-05-11 16:33:00 15377 次浏览
此定窰蓮瓣盤,薄胎巧製,色呈象牙暖白,盤心妙刻螭龍,流暢俐落,伴飾蓮花串枝,秀雅雋永,古今皆宜,歷經歲月卻不減其美。蓮,出淤泥而不染,正如君子之德,是以趙宋以降,為文士所珍。白釉定瓷,飾以蓮紋,更顯清麗脫俗。 This fixed lotus potting disc, the thin tire is made skillfully, the color is ivory warm white, the disk heart is wonderful carved dragon chi, smooth and agile, with decorative lotus string branches, elegant meaningful, all the time appropriate, but through the years did not reduce its beauty. Lotus, like the virtue of a gentleman, is not stained with mud. White glaze fixed porcelain, decorated with lotus patterns, more beautiful and refined.