发布时间: 2019-04-11 16:31:00 1555 次浏览
瓷匠先於器面上白色化妝土,再以黑彩揮毫繪牡丹,然後劃花並用篦紋綴細節,展現河北磁州觀臺窰之獨特風格。縱使自金朝始北方各磁州窰系均有燒製白地黑花瓷,惟均不及觀臺風格嫻熟。其黑花繪畫明快,宛如寫意水墨,篦紋則如書法飛白,猶若枯筆牽絲留空。Before the white dressing soil on the surface of the porcelain ware, the porcelain maker painted peonies with black color and then cut flowers and decorated them with grate details to show the unique style of hebei's mesozhou guantai potters.Even since the beginning of the jin dynasty, potters and potters in north China have been burning white ground and black flower porcelain, but they are not as good as the style of observation platform.Its black flower painting is bright, just like freehand brushwork ink, labyrinth is like calligraphy flying white, just like dry pen drawing silk to stay empty.