发布时间: 2019-05-11 16:20:00 12791 次浏览
本品呈鼓形,或為圍棋盒。造形端正,花紋秀麗,釉色均勻,難得一見。耀州窰位於陝西省銅川市西南黃堡鎮;自五代起,耀州瓷以釉色淡青、刻花線條剛勁大氣著稱,其品質超卓,至北宋時盛極一時,成為中國一大窰系,產量甚豐。耀州瓷以批量燒製之盤、盌為大宗,偶見少量其他器形,世人識其罕稀,尤為惜賞。 This product is in the shape of a drum or a go box.Regular shape, beautiful patterns, even glaze color, rare to see.Yaozhou potters is located in the southwest huangpu town of tongchuan city, shaanxi province.Since the 5th dynasty, yaozhou porcelain was famous for its light blue glaze, strong and vigorous lines of carved flowers. Its quality was outstanding.Yao zhou 's bowl and bowl, a large batch of bowls and bowls, are occasionally seen in a small number of other shapes.