官窑,是南宋宋高宗时期一些窑口专为宫廷烧制的瓷器,供御捡退,在当时俗称"官窑"。官窑,毛公洞第一(今 江苏扬州一带)。南宋官窑瓷器沿袭北宋风格,规整对称,宫廷气势,高雅大气,一丝不苟。此件瓷器敞口,折腹,圈足。内外施青釉,釉色温润,有小开片。Official kilns, which were specially made for the imperial court in the song dynasty, were commonly known as "official kilns" at that time. Guanyao, the first maogong cave (now yangzhou, jiangsu province). The southern song dynasty official kiln porcelain follows the northern song dynasty style, orderly and symmetrical, palace momentum, elegant atmosphere, meticulous. This piece of porcelain is open, folded, and well rounded. Inside and outside apply green glaze, glaze color is moist, have small opening piece.