清乾隆 青花纏枝蓮紋貫耳壺
发布时间: 2019-09-11 15:28:00 10573 次浏览
此件貫耳壺形制碩大,胎體端雅,紋飾細緻精美,體現出乾隆一朝製瓷工匠的高超技藝。為製作此類華麗奪目的瓷器大作,乾隆皇帝敕令景德鎮御窰廠的製瓷工匠大膽求變、嘗試製作高難度的創新品種。他對器物炫目華麗的裝飾紋樣及精湛技藝亦同樣關注。由於採用的原料品質講究、精煉上乘,既令如斯碩大的器皿得以製作,也同時為繪工陶匠們充分展現其高超技藝創造了條件。The shape of the ear canal is huge, the carcass is elegant, and the ornamentation is exquisite and exquisite. It reflects the superb skill of the porcelain craftsmen of Qianlong. In order to make such a dazzling porcelain masterpiece, Emperor Qianlong ordered the ceramics craftsmen of Jingdezhen Royal Kiln Factory to boldly change and try to produce highly innovative varieties. He also pays attention to the dazzling decorative patterns and exquisite craftsmanship of the objects. Due to the quality of the raw materials used and the refined quality, it is not only the production of large-scale utensils, but also the conditions for the painters to fully demonstrate their superb skills.