清乾隆 碧玉饕餮紋瑞獸耳洗
发布时间: 2019-10-10 11:16:44 1691 次浏览
碧玉玉洗選用碧玉整料雕琢而成,材料碩大規整,器形穩重端莊,整器為正圓形,器壁挖膛均勻,洗內深腹,壁厚外鼓,壁內光素無紋,拋光精到,口略內斂,口沿圓潤。碧玉顏色濃烈,深綠中含有墨點與白翳,溫潤厚澤,凝蘊章華,細膩如墨,濃翠動人。本器紋飾華麗,器形洗練規矩,法度嚴謹,線條有力,打磨細緻,繁簡對比鮮明,顯示出張弛有度的節奏感,材美工精,且如此大件的洗已較為稀少,甚為不易,氣勢恢宏又肅穆沉靜,堪為同類作品中之翹楚。 Jade jade wash select jade monolith one-meter-long block, materials large neat, stable shape dignified, the whole machine for a round, uniform wall dig bore, wash deep belly inside and outside the wall thickness of drum, wall inner light, no lines, polishing astute, mouth slightly inside collect, mouth along the round. Jasper color is strong, dark green contains ink dot and white shade, warm moist thick ze, condense zhang hua, delicate as ink, thick green moving. This unit grain is luxuriant, the shape of washs practice rules, statutes is rigorous, the line is strong, polished meticulous, and simplified contrast, shows that the relaxation of the rhythm, wood art essence, and so big of the has been relatively scarce, very not easy, grand and solemn silence, suffers from similar works the best.