西周 褐斑青白玉鏤空螭龍紋仿古雞心珮
发布时间: 2019-10-10 11:08:48 5465 次浏览
古人的很多生活器具都是由玉雕成的,能常戴在身上的惟有玉佩。繁欽詩中"美玉"是指玉做的佩,或寫作"佩"。古人對玉佩的熱愛不是因為玉的貴重,而是源於玉的品格,所以古語有"君子無故,玉不去身"。佩玉已逐漸成為首飾時尚,許多人都非常喜愛。在玉佩中,往往運用了人物、走獸、花鳥、器物等形象和一些吉祥文字等中國傳統圖案造型,以民間諺語、吉語及神故事為題材,通過借喻、比擬、雙關、象徵及諧音等表現手法,構成"一句吉語一幅圖案"的美術表現形式,反映人們對美好生活的追求和嚮往,充分體現了玉石文化的精髓。 Many of the ancient people's utensils of life were carved out of jade. The term "beautiful jade" in traditional Chinese poems refers to the wearing of jade, or the writing of "wearing". The ancient people loved jade not because of its value, but because of its character. Jade jewelry has gradually become a fashion, many people are very fond of it. In the wek-jin, often use of people, animals, birds and flowers, implements image and some text and other traditional Chinese auspicious patterns such as modelling, with folk proverbs, target language and stories about god, through metaphors appear, analogy, pun, symbol and harmonics, etc. The technique of expression, constitute "a target language a pattern" of art forms, reflect people's pursuit for a better life and yearning, fully embodies the essence of jade culture.