发布时间: 2019-10-10 10:50:52 16546 次浏览
田黃石是壽山石系中的瑰寶,素有"萬石中之王"尊號。其色澤溫潤可愛,肌理細密,自明清以來就被印人視為"印石之王"。數百年來田黃石極受藏家至愛,正如俗語所說:"黃金易得,田黃難求"。 Tianhuangshi is a treasure in shoushan stone system, known as the "king of all rocks". Its color is warm, moist and lovely, with fine texture, it has been regarded as the "king of stone printing" since the Ming and qing dynasties. For hundreds of years tian huang has been a favorite of tibetans. As the saying goes, "gold is easy to get, but tin huang is hard to find."