清康熙(印鈕)/ 雍正(印面) 雍正帝禦寶白玉九螭鈕方璽
发布时间: 2019-10-10 10:19:13 1964 次浏览
印文:《雍正御筆之寶》,该宝白玉质地,九螭钮,印面阳文篆书「雍正御笔之宝」六字,分三行布局,每行两字。都给人以清新自然的感受。由于雍正皇帝的御用宝玺绝大部分现都收藏在博物馆中,流散民间的并不是很多,因此偶尔献身于民间收藏的雍正宝玺就显得特别珍贵.This treasure white jade texture, nine chi button, printed on the surface of the yangwen seal seal book "yong zheng imperial pen" six characters, divided into three lines layout, each line two words.All give a person with fresh and natural feeling.Since most of the imperial seals used by emperor yongzheng are now stored in museums, not many of them are scattered among the people. Therefore, the occasionally dedicated imperial seals of yongzheng are particularly precious.