长:78.5cm 宽:41cm
郎世宁(Giuseppe Castiglione,1688年7月19日—1766年7月16日),意大利人,原名朱塞佩·伽斯底里奥内,生于意大利米兰,清康熙帝五十四年(1715)作为天主教耶稣会的修道士来中国传教,随即入宫进入如意馆,为清代宫廷十大画家之一,历经康、雍、乾三朝,在中国从事绘画50多年,并参加了圆明园西洋楼的设计工作,极大地影响了康熙之后的清代宫廷绘画和审美趣味。
Castiglione (Giuseppe Castiglione, July 19, 1688—July 16, 1766), Italian, formerly known as Giuseppe Gastirion, was born in Milan, Italy. Emperor Kangxi of the Qing Dynasty (1715) The Catholic Jesuit monk came to China to preach, then entered the palace and entered the Ruyi Pavilion. He was one of the top ten painters of the Qing Dynasty. He has been painting in China for more than 50 years after the Kang, Yong, and Qian dynasties. The work greatly influenced the Qing court painting and aesthetic taste after Kangxi.