蒋蓉(1919- 2008),别号林凤,江苏省宜兴市川埠潜洛人。1995年被授予“中国工艺美术大师”称号。其泥色配制讲究,呈荷花状,设计巧妙,底有『蒋蓉』款识,蒋蓉堪称荷叶壶的开山鼻祖,这件蒋蓉款荷花茶具,以圆形荷花做壶身,荷梗做壶把,小青蛙神色镇定地坐在盖上作纽,莲蓬中的莲子粒粒转动,惹人喜爱。
Jiang Rong (1919-2008), nicknamed Lin Feng, Qianluo, Chuanbu, Yixing City, Jiangsu Province. In 1995 he was awarded the title of "Master of Chinese Arts and Crafts". Its mud color is exquisitely formulated, lotus-shaped, ingenious design, with "Jiang Rong" at the bottom. Jiang Rong is the originator of the lotus leaf pot. Making a pot handle, the little frog sat calmly on the cover and made a button, and the lotus seeds in the lotus rot turned and became attractive.