《乾隆乙未仲春月禦題》款「朗」「潤」,瓶罩紅釉發色濃艷,流敞自然,輕掛垂肩,亮麗雍雅,妙仿宣窯,誠康熙郎窯典範。 朝綱替更,不減其美,先帝禦制佳器如此,傳至乾隆壹朝,高宗同羨之,賞其霽紅嬌妍,乾隆四十年(1775年),賦詩頌揚,命刻於底。
"Qianlong b not zhongchunyue royal title" section "long" "run", the bottle cover red glaze hair color is rich and colourful, flow open natural, light hanging hanging shoulder, beautiful yong ya, wonderful copy xuan kiln, sincere kang xi lang kiln model. In this way, it was passed on to the reign of emperor qianlong. Gao zongtong admired it and admired its beauty. In the 40th year of emperor qianlong's reign (1775), poems were written in praise of it.